Jack Ferguson Designs Update, 08/30/24
This may appear to be a testimonial, but it is simply an update for the many friends I have made over the past 24 years. I will try to keep it short. I started a woodworking hobby 24 years ago, Appalachian Flutes, building flutes and various living history accoutrements. In 2008 I began building Mountain Dulcimers and accessories, and changed my Company name to Appalachian Flutes and Dulcimers. When my health began to fail, I became overwhelmed. My wife, Robin, and Son David, and other family and friends, saved me, along with my fantastic team of doctors. When the time was right, I decided to retire from "my hobby", but wanted to stay active for my health, and for the many friendships I have made. I contined my woodworking, building things I enjoy building. Over the past year I built really cool Electric 2x4 Solid-body Dulcimers, and workboats from the Chesapeake Bay where I grew up. I was still getting dulcimer requests, and requests for the new items. So, I recently named my new Hobby "Jack Ferguson Designs" and created a website to offer the items I have built. That new website is appflutes.myshopify.com. I invite you to check it out and use the contact page to offer comments and request tems you would like to have made. Finally, I want to give special thanks to Brian Bohlman for his support and inspiration over the past 4 years. And my little buddy, Rudy.
Thank you all, and God Bless,